Sustainability Report 2022

Structure and organization

Prima Sole Components is a single member stock company, 100% owned by BS Holding, whose administrative centre and registered office are located in Torrice, in the province of Frosinone.
The government structure provides for a three-year Board of Directors (BoD) of five members. The Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer have powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration with disjoint signature.
The definition of business strategies, including economic, environmental and social issues, is one of the BoD’s competences: by monthly monitoring, through the central and individual business unit committees, and without prejudice to the responsibilities delegated to the corporate officers, the President exercises control over all activities of the company, including those related to sustainable development.
Site managers are delegated by the directors of the individual companies to ensure compliance with mandatory environmental and social standards. The enhancement and dissemination of sustainability skills within the Group is ensured by the training plans implemented by the PSC Academy.
The CEO annually reviews the Group’s Strategic Plan, which also contains the sustainability priorities. He also reviews the contents of the Sustainability Report prior to its publication, and validates the update of the material issues identified, which are listed in Chapter 2.
The President is also a major shareholder and holds no other corporate office; therefore, there are no potential conflicts of interest in the performance of his duties.
The members of the governing body are appointed according to strategic assessments and decisions made by the Chairman and the CEO, based on the specific skills of the candidates and their ability to manage business impacts, risks and opportunities. Instead, the performance of the BoD is assessed through the monthly reporting of profit and loss accounts. To date, there are no formal procedures for managing the remuneration of the highest governing body.

The central and individual business unit committees develop action plans aimed at managing and resolving any critical issues encountered. The Supervisory Board also carries out control activities on the correct application of the 231 Organisational Model and communicates, during periodic audits, any critical issues found, also on the basis of the reports received. No critical issues were reported in the reporting year.
The companies covered by this Sustainability Report are reported in the following diagram matching those that depend on PSC do Brazil, Sole Components, Prima Components Italia, Prima Components Europe (in 2020 called Prima East Europe Components) holding companies. 2022 saw the addition of the new plant in Pindamonhangaba II belonging to the business unit PSC do Brazil as the main novelty in the organization.

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PSC plants, object of this report are present in five countries: Italy, Germany, Slovak Republic, Poland and Brazil.

The size of the organization in the last three years has followed the trend described below.

€ 572.148.934 Capitalizzazione Totale DipendentiPezzi VendutiFatturato Netto DipendentiPezzi VendutiFatturato NettoCapitale Sociale € 4.026€ 121.638.648€ 831.226.924 € 3.958€ 116.978.565€ 623.929.148 2020 2022 € 4.125€ 130.676.462€ 741.501.010 2021

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