Sustainability Report 2022

Compliances and certifications

Group companies strictly comply with the laws and regulations in force in the countries in which they operate. The managing directors of the business units are responsible for compliance with mandatory legislation also through their delegates (plant managers or external professionals) on all the specific issues concerned.

All the companies and production sites belonging to the PCIT BU have implemented an organization and management model in accordance with Decree-Law 231/2001 aimed at preventing the commission of crimes that may involve the Company’s liability, including any risks related to corruption. In 2022, the model is therefore operational in 7 out of 18 companies.

The management and all staff received training in relation to the contents of the Organisational Model and audits relating to the HSE area were organised by the Supervisory Body (SB).

In 2022, the SB did not find any violations in the area of 231/01, including cases of corruption, in relation to the findings of the audits conducted during the reporting period on the sensitive activities under analysis and the non-receipt, through the channels specifically established, of reports of violations.

In 2020, in compliance with the national requirements of the emergency situation due to the pandemic, the Committee for the application and verification of the implementation of the measures envisaged for the contrast and containment of the Covid-19 virus was set up for all the factories of the Prima Components Italia, Sole Components and Prima Components Gricignano d’Aversa business units.

This working group aims to indicate the initiatives to be implemented to eliminate potential sources of risk and obtain working conditions that protect the safety and health of workers.

Its core is made up of the site manager, the Unitary Union Representation (RSU), the Head of the Prevention and Protection Service (RSPP) and the competent doctor; it meets periodically and defines specific protocols and procedures that accept the indications of the national protocols.

The activities of this group continued in 2021, adapting its operations and the frequency of interventions to national directives. At the end of 2022, following national requirements, the Committee was closed.

As can be seen from the following table, many PSC offices are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified, some ISO 45001. These certifications help to standardize company activities and thus ensure high performance, the achievement of predefined objectives and constant optimization, in compliance with the safety of workers and the environment. Furthermore, almost all of our offices boast IATF 16949 certification, a quality management system for the automotive sector developed by the International Automotive Task Force (IATF).

The guidelines for quality, environment and safety policies approved at the group level in January 2021 were also confirmed for 2022.

In the reporting year, no remarkable cases of non-compliance with the environmental, economic and social regulations and standards were detected. The penalties exceeding 50.000 Euros are intended significant.

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