Sustainability Report 2022

Relations with business partners and quality of products

Solid: this is the adjective that best describes the relationships that PSC establishes with its customers. Indeed, it is no coincidence that several sites of the Group’s production are located in the same areas that host commercial partners of reference for PSC: Sole Suzzara is located in an IVECO district, Sole Pontedera is located in a Piaggio district, and a 50% joint venture with Magneti Marelli involves the Brazilian plant in Pernambuco.

For PSC, satisfying a customer means mainly to provide quality products and services that meet or exceed expectations. The Group’s plants are often renewed or, in any case, are subjected to constant maintenance; in addition to this, state-of-the-art control systems have been set up which contribute to the monitoring and repeatability of processes, and to the increase in the quality of products. Statistical studies on the main variables make it possible to monitor any situations that are out of control, as well as to intervene promptly in the event of a possible recovery.

Following the precautionary approach, PSC evaluates the impact of each new product during its development. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) allows you to evaluate defects or problems that impact on product elements relevant to the customer, such as functionality, aesthetics and assembly, thanks to an assessment of the risk priority index, on the basis of three levels: severity, probability and detectability. The same methodology allows us to quantify the impact of products on environmental and safety aspects.

The products arriving on the market are registered in the International Material Data System (IMDS), a constantly updated platform in which all the materials used for the manufacture of cars are collected, updated, analyzed and archived. Thanks to IMDS it is possible to fulfill the obligations imposed on car manufacturers and their suppliers, complying with standards, laws and regulations in force at national and international level.

All substances and mixtures used in production by the factories are accompanied by Safety Data Sheets (SDS) with information on physicchemical, toxicological and environmental hazard properties, necessary for correct and safe handling.

Product safety and compliance with legal requirements are assessed in the FMEA by adopting the most stringent parameters. In the reporting period, no cases of non-compliance with regulations and / or voluntary codes were notified to PSC regarding the impact on the health and safety of its products and services.

PSC regularly monitors customer satisfaction with the supplied product. A process made agile also by online platforms, widespread in the automotive sector, in which reports of various types are reported in real time, including complaints and rejects, and on which assessments are carried out on a monthly basis that take into account the quality of products and services.

Information on the approach of individual plants to environmental and social sustainability is also provided periodically to customers who request it, through the completion of questionnaires such as NQC Self- Assessment-Questionnaire (SAQ), CDP and Ecovadis, for which in 2022 we obtained the bronze rating with a score of 53 out of 100. For the good practices applied in the field of corporate social responsibility, the PC Anagni plant received an award from its strategic customer Stellantis in 2022.

Each production site manages any customer complaints at an operational level. The monitoring and timely review of the assessments received from customers, on the other hand, are the subject of the management committees of the business units and of the Group.

In the reporting year, no Group company was affected by legal actions in the areas of anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust and monopoly practice. Particular emphasis has been given to such aspects in the new code of ethics and conduct.

Partnership relationships with suppliers are also traditionally very strong. PSC’s strategic purchasing department signs framework agreements with large groups that produce, for example, raw materials and paints, and supports the growth of suppliers in the areas of its sites, supporting them with its own structure to achieve the highest environmental and safety standards.

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