Sustainability Report 2022

Generated value

The Group’s vision, mission and medium- and long-term strategies are detailed in the business plan. Once the guidelines have been identified, the operational plans of the individual business units and the connected production sites are defined.
PSC management formalises functional analyses and assessments in the drafting of the operational plan with an interdisciplinary approach; For this reason, various business functions are involved in the process and external stakeholders of particular interest, including some customers and suppliers, are also taken into account.

The strategic guidelines of the business plan are:

the Group’s ability to supply competitive products and to stay in the market, facing competition.

Technological innovation:
it concerns, among other things, products and processes, with the aim of raising their quality, performance and flexibility, as well as reducing costs.

distribution of production on a local and global scale, according to customer’s needs.

The business unit administrator identifies the activities consistent with PSC strategic guidelines by following the process described below:

  • Analysis of PSC business plan: each business unit verifies the applicability of the strategic lines established at Group level to its own peculiarities.
  • Identification of relevant factors thanks to the S.W.O.T. analysis (Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats): a step that allows you to detail the strengths and weaknesses of the internal context, as well as external risks and opportunities. These elements are then related to stakeholders.
  • Assessment of the significance of the factors identified: a risk factor is identified according to a matrix that evaluates the probability of occurrence and the impact that would have on market share, competitive advantage and reputation.
  • Definition of the operational plan, by taking into account the risks involved, and in particular:
    • avoid the risk by deciding not to start or continue the activity that led to its appearance
    • take or increase risk to pursue an opportunity
    • remove the risk source
    • change the probability of the risk occurring
    • change the consequences
    • share the risk with a partner (also through contractual formulas for financial risk control).

The actions to cope with risks and exploit opportunities, with regard to sustainability, are the necessary inputs to carry out the operational plan in line with the company’s strategy.

The Group has also taken out policies with important companies in this department, in order to cover the main corporate risks related to industrial activities. This is a comprehensive insurance covering all material damage to buildings, plant, machinery and goods owned by the Group’s companies, whether they are present in PSC plants or as at third Parties.

Factors such as atmospheric events, criminal acts by third Parties, structural collapses, fluid leakage and mechanical failures may affect thresholds and specific allowances. Any economic losses resulting from business interruptions or factors such as those listed above are also covered by insurance. Finally, possible damages to third Parties resulting from claims covered by the policy (third Party claim and interruption or suspension of its activities) have been insured.
Group companies have taken out a policy consisting of three sections relating to indemnity obligations. In detail: third party liability, workers liability2 and product liability. Each of these covers operates with limited ceilings and deductibles.
A careful and correct management of corporate risks has contributed to making PSC a Group that creates value and wealth, by spreading part of it to its stakeholders.

2. Technical term used in the insurance industry to refer to all employees of the company

Ricavi e altri proventi operativi Valore economico generato da PSC Valore economico distribuito da PSC Valore economico trattenuto da PSC Costi operativi, remunerazione dei collaboratori, remunerazione dei finanziatori, remunerazione della pubblica amministrazione e investimenti per la comunità € 775.344.151 € 646.917.213 € 719.327.000 Valore economico generato – valore economico distribuito € 10.807.669 € 9.687.319 € 34.943.000 € 764.536.482 € 637.229.894 € 684.384.000 2021 2020 2019

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