Sustainability Report 2022
Health and safety at work
PSC companies are committed to ensuring that their employees and contractors’ employees comply with safety and health and hygiene standards at work.
In order to promote the awareness and participation of all employees, various initiatives are implemented to consolidate and disseminate the safety culture.
- Employees are protected by national agreements. This is valid also for plants abroad.
The Group’s Italian plants comply with Legislative Decree 81/08 through the definition of the Risk Assessment Document (DVR), which details and analyses both general and specific risks. In this respect, hierarchical principles for risk assessment and prevention shall be followed as shown below:
- Elimination of risk at source
- Replacement of what is dangerous with what is safer or less risky
- Development of large technical systems for risks protection
- Establishment of procedure and work instructions
- Spread of safety signs
- Personal safety protection devices (DPI) development
The Employer, with the support of the Protection and Prevention Service Manager, the Competent Doctor, the Workers’ Representative for Health, Safety and the Environment (RLSSA), managers and supervisors, is responsible for the application of the DVR in the processes and activities of the production sites. The results of the DVR are the basis for analysis to define improvement activities, which are then included in the Company Improvement Plan and regularly implemented.
The workers of Italian plants, through consultation and active participation of all and through their RLSSA, involved in the verification and approval of the DVR, can report risk situations and thus make a constructive contribution. Each worker is also free to refuse to carry out an activity deemed risky, in cases where it is not properly managed by the Prevention and Protection Service.
Similar risk assessment processes are implemented in foreign plants, which monitor them periodically.
The risks deriving from the interference of the activities are, where appropriate, managed in the Italian plants through the drafting of the Single Document for the Evaluation of Interfering Risks (DUVRI - Documento Unico di Valutazione dei Rischi Interferenti).
Also in PSMM Pernambuco plant there are procedures designed to assess the risks of interference; in particular, suppliers who carry out activities in PSC are required to assess the risk of these activities at the time of taking on the assignment and thereafter on a periodic basis.
At least the minimum number of RLSSAs in line with the provisions of Legislative Decree 81/08 are present in all plants of the Italian PSC companies. In 2022, the total number of Safety Representatives is 36.
In foreign plants, the regulations in force in the specific country are applied.
In Sole Woerth plant, an external company provides to draft a report regarding daily activities on a monthly basis, in order to refer all this to the business management.
In Proprad plant, risk assessment is carried out by an external firm. Quality manager is responsible for the company and its external consultants. Likewise, factory workers who perceive risky situations shall inform their supervisors.
In the plants of Sosnowiec CPS and APT, ISO 45001 management system is active, covering all activities, workers and workplaces. Workplace health and safety management is entrusted to an interdisciplinary group, which carries out a risk assessment, by giving priority to the identification and elimination of the most serious potential ones. The quality of this process shall be regularly checked during safety audits and daily by checking workstations. If the implemented measures give positive results, they shall be extended to other activities or departments, where possible.
Workers are encouraged to report problematic situations, in accordance with the principle of prevention, by using the appropriate safety cards (S-Tags) available in the workplace. One more time, the law protects the possibility of workers to refuse any work activity that puts their health or safety at risk.
For Sole Horgertshausen plant, the risk assessment is carried out with the support of an external consultancy. In addition, meetings are held periodically with the RSPP in which all possible risk and danger situations are analyzed, and interventions are identified to minimize them. Employees may also communicate any security risk anonymously via a dedicated e-mail address.
In PSC do Brazil plants, risk identification and risk assessment is elaborated and managed by the “health and safety” function with the participation of area employees and/or their representatives, and is set to identify all possible dangers associated with the activities of the company, evaluating them according to the parameters of Severity and Probability. The risk assessment and prevention process follows the hierarchical principles adopted in the Italian plants. If during the assessment it appears that the measures taken are not adequate to classify the risk as “acceptable” or “moderate”, further action shall be taken to minimise the risk. The effectiveness of each action is checked from thirty to ninety days after the actual implementation, after which the risk is further assessed. In the factory there are formal committees that deal with occupational safety and health and that represent the employees of the company, such as:
CIPA – Internal Commission on the prevention of accidents at work.
COERGO – Ergonomics Committee, which assesses the ergonomic improvement needs of the various sectors.
Workers can report risk situations by filling in a special form, analyzed by the security departments of PSMM Pernambuco and PSC Automotivos that, in collaboration with the area managers, implement the actions deemed appropriate.
Workers can also report risk situations to CIPA, which is made up of representatives from all areas of the company, which meets monthly with management and managers of the “health and safety” function. In both cases the workers do not risk any repercussions. Even in the PSMM and PSCA plants, workers can refuse an assignment that is perceived as risky, as required by national law.
PSMM Pernambuco has established a direct communication channel with the FCA-PSA group through which risk situations can be reported. If a particular work activity is identified as hazardous to safety or health, the worker is trained to report it immediately and stop operations until the problem is resolved.
The company applies a formal procedure to prevent the occurrence or recurrence of situations of risk; this requires that the root causes, actions and unsafe conditions that led to an accident are brought to light, and indicate and develop the countermeasures necessary to avoid similar events. Such countermeasures are monitored weekly by the “Safety” department, along with those responsible for their actions.
In all the Italian PSC plants a Competent Doctor is appointed who carries out the provisions of Legislative Decree 81/08 and to whom all workers can contact according to the agreements in force. Each year this professional draws up the health surveillance plan in relation to the risks identified for each individual task, plans periodic and preventive medical examinations, carries out the on-site inspection in the workplace and participates in the periodic security meeting, as well as in the drafting of the DVR. Also in foreign plants is involved the figure of the competent doctor in the activities that aim to identify, evaluate and manage risks.
All PSC workers receive appropriate health and safety training in accordance with the legal provisions of the countries in which the establishments are located.
In some of the Group’s establishments, initiatives have been launched to promote the health of workers, including campaigns against smoking, healthy eating, the promotion of outdoor activities and flu vaccinations. In addition, many establishments have formalized agreements with local sports facilities.
Shocks, cuts, investments and crushing: these are the main dangers identified by PC Anagni and PC Ferentino. In order to eliminate or minimize such hazards and risks, the establishments have undertaken the actions foreseen by the DVR improvement plan, formalising precise working procedures that also include the use of appropriate PPE and appropriate training and awareness-raising of staff on the subject.
The most risky activity identified by the sites of the Sole Components business unit and the Gricignano d’Aversa plant following its evaluation process is the circulation of forklifts. In order to minimise the risk, training, information and training were provided to sensitise the trolley drivers and both internal and external traffic was improved. For the Sole Horgertshausen plant, the risk of hand cuts in the use of machinery has been identified as significant: In order to avoid this, specific training has been carried out and regular maintenance of the machinery is guaranteed, along with adequate lighting during the operation.
The risk assessment at the Prima Eastern plant revealed that there was a danger of falling inside the press during mould change. To eliminate this eventuality, the access platforms were anchored to the presses by means of bolts and special non-slip rubber mats were installed, as required by the DVR improvement plan.
For Prima Sosnowiec APT plant, activities involving the use of extruders and those related to fire risk have been evaluated as hazardous. For the reduction of the risks, interventions have been implemented both from a technical and organizational point of view. At the sites of the Prima Components Europe business unit, the risk of crushing has been identified as significant, in order to minimise the risk of which operational procedures and safety audits have been updated and performed security audits.
In the Brazilian factories, the main hazards identified are the cutting injuries that can occur during the finishing process and the risks of falling as a result of activities to set up new machinery, which are carried out at considerable heights. In order to reduce these risks, workers have been trained and the use of specific platforms has been adopted. In Pernambuco, this risk was eliminated by modifying the machinery and thus eliminating the need to work at great heights.
The distribution of accidents that occurred in 2022 in the Group’s companies is shown in the tables below.
*Recordable incident rate: n° recordable injuries /hours worked*1.000.000
**Serious accident rate: n° serious injuries /hours worked*1.000.000
***Fatal incident rate: n° of incidents /hours worked*1.000.000
4 - PCEU, PSCPS and PSAPT estimated data.
*Recordable accident rate: number of recordable accidents/man hours worked*1.000.000
**Serious accident rate: number of serious accidents/man hours worked*1.000.000
***Fatal accident rate: number of fatal accidents/man hours worked*1.000.000
In all Group sites, events such as injuries, dressing and near-injuries are managed by providing an accurate assessment of possible causes, so to set up initiatives to be applied with the purpose of avoiding repetition. The types of injuries recorded in 2022 in the Group were: trauma to the joints and from stumbling, cuts, bruises, crushing, burns, falls and accidents on the way home-to-work.
KPI of monitoring of Group Performance: incidents
Nel 2022 the ratio between the number of injuries and hours worked in the entire Group compared to the previous year increased. This figure was calculated using data relating to both employees and temporary workers. The figure is increasing over the threeyear period, suggesting the presence of a negative trend that will have to be carefully monitored and managed in order to reverse the trend.