Sustainability Report 2022

Energy consumption

In the following table, it is possible to see the types of fuel used by the Group, along with the energy consumption.

Tipi di combustibili utilizzatida fonti di energianon rinnovabili Consumo elettrico totale Calore - Quota vapore Calore - quota acqua calda Consumo energetico totale Energia consumata all'interno dell'organizzazione 2019 2020 2021 Gas NaturaleGasolio GPLBenzina 261.7672.0161.975-551.72015.9584.993838.429 268.4634.93920.670-558.46215.5586.506874.598 276.4101.2059.86933566.69211.035-865.006 GJ GJ GJ GJ GJ

Standards, methodologies, hypotheses and / or tools calculation used

  • For fuels, invoices
  • For electricity: invoices
  • For self-produced photovoltaics: meter reading

Some of the Group’s Italian plants self-produce part of the energy used. In particular, three use photovoltaic electricity, with systems installed on the roofs of buildings or on the ground: Prima Eastern, which owns a plant that in 2021 produced 2.010 GJ, Prima Components Ferentino, with a production of 2,402 GJ and Prima Components Anagni, with a plant that produced 2,574. The Prima Components Paliano plant has a rescue electricity generator, licensed by the Customs Agency, but without a meter. The Sole Oderzo plant, through a cogeneration plant powered by natural gas, produced 3,197 GJ of electricity in 2022; the Sole Scanzorosciate plant also has a cogeneration plant, which however is managed by an external company from which Scanzorosciate purchases the electricity produced. Finally, we point out that in 2022 the Prima Eastern plant sold 280 GJ of self-produced electricity.

The responsible and sustainable use of energy is a priority for PSC, both in terms of reducing consumption to cope with the depletion of nonrenewable resources, and for aspects related to emissions resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels. It is for this reason that in 2021 an Energy Manager was appointed to the workforce to support the Group in the development of an energy efficiency plan, decarbonisation and reduction of emissions into the atmosphere.

The following table shows the changes in energy consumption compared to machine hours worked (GJ/h). The trend is slightly but steadily improving.

The implementation of energy efficiency initiatives adopted also thanks to the work carried out by the energy manager led to a reduction in energy consumption both in absolute terms and in comparison to machine hours worked and value generated.

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