Sustainability Report 2022

Management of material topics

The priority themes for PSC have been aggregated into three macro-themes that share the management approach.


Processes common to all macro-themes


The material issues were identified by applying the principles for defining the contents of the Report and through the stakeholder engagement and materiality analysis processes described in detail in the second chapter of the Sustainability Report, “Materiality and methodology”. For each material theme of PSC, the perimeter within which the potential impact may fall has been identified:

  • Within company boundaries: in this case the impact primarily influences internal stakeholders
  • Outside the company boundaries: in this case it is mainly external stakeholders who are affected by the impact
  • Inside and outside the company boundaries: the impact concerns all stakeholders.
In the management of material issues, PSC considers both the possible impact it can cause directly and the impact that may indirectly derive from its work.



The Group is managed in the logic of recognizing the social role that the company has within the community, through the implementation of innovative solutions to improve the quality of life and the environment.

PSC has developed a common policy with regard to quality, environment and safety throughout the Group, in line with the international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO45001.

In the quality, environment and health and safety at work policy, it is stated that:
“The future of Prima Sole Components depends on the ability to establish and maintain stable and satisfactory relationships with customers.
The satisfaction of customer needs and the acquisition of new market areas are achieved through continuous improvement of the quality of products, services and cost-effectiveness.
Prima Sole Components, in carrying out its activities, considers human health, environmental protection and safety at work an indispensable duty, a continuous commitment and a constant component of its mission.”

Also in the 2021-2022 Group Business Plan, Prima Sole Components, the group’s holding company, defines the vision, mission and medium and long-term strategies. The operational plans of the business units and the sites connected to them are then developed along these lines. In the Business Plan, the strategic guidelines are: competitiveness, technological innovation and globalization. At the level of the business unit and, in cascade, for each production site, the activities are defined in line with the strategic guidelines of PSC according to the following logical process: analysis of the business plan, S.W.O.T. analysis for the determination of strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and risks, risk assessment and definition of the operating plan.

  • The Business Plan covers the corporate network of all PSC Group sites.
  • The last revision date of the Business Plan dates back to March 2021.

Following the reorganisation of the Group in recent years, the organisation and management model, in accordance with Decree-Law 231, was subject to an updating process in 2020 and was implemented in the PCIT BU and all its sites in 2021. New content developed on the basis of PSC’s path towards greater sustainability of its activities was introduced. In 2022, the audit by the SB was completed in the remaining Italian business units for the HSE area.
With the publication of its sustainability report, PSC intends to demonstrate its willingness and commitment to embark on a new path towards sustainability in the economic, social and environmental spheres. This will and commitment originates from the company management, and is transmitted in all plants and at all company levels. L’impegno al rispetto dei legittimi interessi dei propri stakeholder e della collettività in cui tutti gli stabilimenti di PSC è sancito nel Codice Etico del Gruppo.
The commitment to respect the legitimate interests of its stakeholders and the community in which all PSC plants are located is enshrined in the Group’s Code of Ethics.


The objectives and targets that PSC sets itself on its path to sustainability are found in this Report and cover all PSC sites. The objectives are of an improving nature with respect to national regulations and will be monitored annually. Other more specific objectives are identified in the improvement plans for each company site, which are drawn up in accordance with quality, environmental and safety regulations.


The responsibility for deploying human and financial resources lies with the business unit administrator who, together with the plant manager, draws up an investment plan approved at holding company level.


In the PSC sites certified ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 there are complaints collection systems provided by the management systems. PSC has activated, through the recently developed 231 organizational model, a whistleblowing system: each recipient of the model is required to inform the Supervisory Body in detail and promptly about any violation of the organizational model of which it is aware, or functional anomalies or irregularities potentially relevant for the purposes of Decree 231/01. Principles of protection of employees or collaborators who report wrongdoing are defined. Stakeholders may make inquiries and complaints at the contact point indicated in this report.


PSC publishes the Sustainability Report in accordance with the main international reference standard for sustainability reporting, the GRIStandards. PSC is also committed to keeping up to date and applied the quality, environment and safety policies that are a reference for all the group’s plants, to pursue continuous improvement in all areas.


To monitor the effective adequacy of the management of material issues, the results of the first and third party audits carried out on the management systems will be used. In addition, the information of the GRI Standards reported in this Report, in the previous and subsequent reports, will be used as management assessments. To monitor some of the significant aspects more effectively, PSC has developed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that allow the performance of these aspects over the years at Group level to be assessed.


The commitment to take a more sustainable approach unites both the Chairman and the CEO and involves all business units, individual plants and all company functions and employees. Responsibility for implementing policies, delivering commitments and achieving objectives lies with the directors of each business unit and the directors of individual production units. The achievement of the specific objectives, identified in the improvement plans, is delegated to those responsible for the implementation of the specific planned activities.

Generated value




The following commitments are central to the quality, environment and occupational health and safety policy, the principles of which are to be found at all Group sites:

  • To integrate economic objectives with stakeholder concerns and satisfaction of applicable requirements
  • To improve processes and products and system performance in general by implementing specific projects to increase performance in each area, thinking about the impact the product can have throughout its life cycle
  • To maintain constant compliance with current legislation, respecting the health and safety of workers and environmental protection.
  • To Promote sustainable behaviour in the entire production and supply chain

The guiding principles in relations with suppliers, the community and customers, to ensure the development of a responsible supply chain, high levels of customer satisfaction and open dialogue with communities, are honesty, fairness, transparency and impartiality. These principles have always animated PSC, are presented in the recently updated Code of Ethics and will be formalised with the implementation throughout the Group of the organisational model consistent with Legislative Decree 231/2001.
PSC’s desire to carry out its activities in an ethical manner, respecting its guiding principles in its relations with stakeholders, is stated in the Code of Ethics.


The objectives and targets assumed for the material topics of this macrotheme are developed as described in the section ‘Processes common to all macro-themes’.


The personnel and financial resources for the management of this macroissue are allocated in an articulated manner by the entire management of the Group with coordination and control actions exercised by the chairman and managing director of PSC.


The mechanisms by which it is possible to make any complaints related to this macro-theme are developed following what is described in the section “Processes common to all macro-themes”.


Periodically, the CEO of PSC and the directors of the business unit and subsequently the Board of Directors evaluate the economic performance of the individual business units and PSC and analyze any risks and opportunities.


The evaluation mechanisms on the management of material issues related to the macro-theme “Generation of value” are developed following what is described in the section “Processes common to all macro-themes”.


Responsibilities for the management of material issues related to the macro-theme “Value generated” are assigned as described in the section “Processes common to all macro-themes”.
