Sustainability Report 2022

Who we are

Identity, vision, mission and values

Identity and vision

Prima Sole Components (PSC- Stock Company) is a Group operating since 1973 in the field of automotive plastic components, motor vehicles and household appliances. It designs, manufactures and sells innovative and sustainable products, whose goal is to live up to its customers’ expectations on a regular basis. An ambitious goal, pursued thanks to a long-term and flexible partnership, where competitiveness, quality and service achieve high standards, alongside staff work daily operating with motivation and efficiency, as well as constant research of innovative and integrated solutions.
PSC Group wants to become a global player in the Automotive & Tractor department, while continuing to oversee the supplies on the regional markets for the Appliances, Motorbike & Electric fields; it also aims to confirm itself as a reliable and efficient supplier for its customers in Europe, Brazil, the United States and the Far East.
PSC Group believes that also in the near future, market competition will be based on three fundamental variables:

  • Competitiveness;
  • Innovation;
  • Globalization;

In addition to this, in order to become a partner of the most prestigious customers, it is also important to achieve specific economic standards. For this reason and to maintain a high degree of competitiveness, in 2018 PSC introduced COBOT: collaborative robots expression of 4.0 industry, useful in those production processes, including assembly and polishing, where the human-machine interface is particularly rewarding; there are also several applications significantly increased thanks to remote connections of technological Champion1.


It is the Group’s intention to consolidate the relationship of trust with all stakeholders and to pursue its objectives, by harmonizing the interests of each actor involved in compliance with the provisions of the law and the principles of impartiality, reliability, loyalty, fairness and transparency. It is in this context that the objective of a shared prosperity is included, by extending the well-being generated through PSC activities to the territory.

The Group’s mission is structured on three aspects that are inseparably linked to each other:

  • Economic.
    The management of the Group is characterized by the creation of value for the shareholders, in compliance with stringent parameters of economic and financial sustainability.
  • Production and market.
    PSC designs, manufactures and markets advanced products from a technological point of view, capable of completely satisfying customer expectations.
  • Social.
    PSC Group is aware of the centrality of its social role. Attentive to the local, national and international community, it is committed to improving the quality of life of all stakeholders, with the utmost respect for the environment.

1 The Champion is an internal position in the Group employed in Research and Development department, qualified for a specific technology.


The Group has identified some values that guide the effort of each worker, either when acting individually or when participating in collective initiatives:

  • Always act with honesty and moral integrity
  • Be critical of yourself and ask yourself how to improve yourself
  • Be respectful of the organization, enhancing meritocracy
  • Focus on growth and its long-term sustainability
  • Pay attention to safety and the environment
  • Be respectful towards customers

The annual publication of the Sustainability Report leads to the consolidation of such values and confirms the attention to the most upto- date national and international regulations, already firmly at the basis of PSC’s work practices.

Among the values that guide the Group’s activities, two in particular play a prominent role: respect for the person and for the planet that hosts us. For this reason, the Code of Ethics - updated in 2020 and disseminated in 2021 in all the Group’s business units - makes explicit the support and respect for human rights, in accordance with the UN Universal Declaration. The organization and management model, in compliance with decreelaw 231, was also the subject of an update process in 2020. In 2021 it was implemented in all the sites of PCIT business units e In 2022, the ODV started audits for the HSE departments of the remaining Italian business units. It is expected to complete its implementation at all Italian sites by the end of 2023.
The Organisational Model and the Code of Ethics, together with the appointment of the Supervisory Board (SB), are also the tools by which we ensure the prevention and mitigation of possible conflicts of interest. In both documents, new contents were introduced, developed on the basis of the path taken by PSC towards greater sustainability of its activities.

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